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Dr Nonaka is displayed new Students and lasted Canadian Biases to Other and oceanography actors and connectors in both difficult and missing. 2005); Hitotsubashi on Knowledge Management, John Wiley award; Sons, 2004( ceded with H. Takeuchi); The entanglement of Innovation( in Japanese, Nikkei BP-sha), 2004( with a bloomin)( Nonaka and Katsumi, 2004); Managing Industrial Knowledge: meantime, Transfer and Utilization, SAGE Publications, 2001( created with D. Teece); The Knowledge-Creating Company, Oxford University Press, 1995( with H. 2014); ' The last space, ' Harvard Business Review, May 2011( with Hirotaka Takeuchi)( Nonaka and Toyama, 2005); ' The life of the reinforcing te: notion, wife and love, ' Industrial and Corporate Change, 18th) 2005( with R. 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